
How It Works

We have already made huge strides in our sustainability journey by investing in plastic recycling and energy from waste infrastructure low carbon collections, leading to reduction in nation carbon.
Our ultimate goal is to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all Belizeans while contributing to the country’s eco-tourism and sustainability efforts.
Our ultimate goal is to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all Belizeans while contributing to the country’s eco-tourism and sustainability efforts.
We also oversee the implementation of essential infrastructure components.
We encourage public participation in waste management planning
Improving waste management by implementing mechanisms to recover more materials from the municipal solid waste stream.
This project supports the goals of environmental protection, natural resource conservation, and public health safety while enhancing Belize's image in the eco-tourism market.
What We do

About Our Work

At BSWaMA, we are dedicated to improving solid waste management throughout Belize. Our efforts are centered on institutional strengthening, ensuring that both our authority and local governments are equipped to manage waste efficiently and sustainably. We provide technical assistance for upgrading waste facilities, such as transitioning open dumpsites to controlled disposal sites and developing waste transfer stations. Public awareness is key to our approach, as we educate and engage communities in responsible waste disposal and recycling practices.
Placement Guidelines
Our ultimate goal is to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all Belizeans while contributing to the country’s eco-tourism and sustainability efforts.

1. Institutional Strengthening

We focus on building the institutional capacity of the Belize Solid Waste Management Authority (BSWaMA) to effectively fulfill its mandate. Additionally, we work to strengthen local government bodies, particularly those that benefit from the Western Corridor Solid Waste Management Project. This includes providing training, enhancing systems, and developing the necessary infrastructure to improve waste management practices across Belize.
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We also oversee the implementation of essential infrastructure components.

2. Technical Assistance in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management

We are reliable as our collection teams have a 24/7 presence in the world. We are never far away from your business to provide help.
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We encourage public participation in waste management planning

3. Public Awareness, Education, and Participation

We actively educate the public on the importance of effective solid waste management and increase awareness about the negative impacts of inadequate waste practices. We encourage public participation in waste management planning and decision-making, while also facilitating open communication between the public, service providers, and local government bodies. Additionally, as we improve waste management services, we promote cooperation with commerce and industry to adopt Cleaner Production principles to reduce waste generation.
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Improving waste management by implementing mechanisms to recover more materials from the municipal solid waste stream.

4. Specific Goals/Strategies of BSWaMA

BSWaMA is committed to improving waste management by implementing mechanisms to recover more materials from the municipal solid waste stream. We aim to improve disposal practices by establishing standards and guidelines for waste facility operations, including monitoring leachate and landfill gas. We also work on developing sustained public education campaigns to facilitate public participation, inform communities about waste management, and encourage waste reduction and separation at the source.
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This project supports the goals of environmental protection, natural resource conservation, and public health safety while enhancing Belize's image in the eco-tourism market.

5. Project Execution/Implementation - Belize Solid Waste Management Project (SWMP)

BSWaMA, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Agriculture, executes the Solid Waste Management Project (SWMP) to improve solid waste management in the Western Corridor, which includes San Pedro Ambergris Caye, Caye Caulker, Belize City, and San Ignacio/Santa Elena. This project supports the goals of environmental protection, natural resource conservation, and public health safety while enhancing Belize's image in the eco-tourism market. It also aims to strengthen BSWaMA’s role in overseeing solid waste management across the country.
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Belize Number One Commercial Waste Collection Service Provider!

We Offer Waste Transfers across the Region!

Through the Solid Waste Management Project (SWMP), we work on improving waste management practices across the Western Corridor, enhancing infrastructure, and reducing environmental impact.
Our ultimate goal is to create a cleaner, healthier environment for all Belizeans while contributing to the country’s eco-tourism and sustainability efforts.
Construction Waste %
Manufacturing Waste %
Retail Waste %
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