
About Us

Through continuous improvement and collaboration with local authorities, BSWaMA remains dedicated to ensuring efficient, safe, and sustainable solid waste management for a cleaner and healthier Belize.
Belize's Waste Collection Solutions

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Waste Management Services That Help Providing Reliable Environmental Solutions!

The Belize Solid Waste Management Authority (BSWaMA) was established under the Solid Waste Management Authority Act, 1991, Chapter 224 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000.

Our mission is to ensure that solid waste generated in the country is managed in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner, protecting both public health and natural resources.
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Michael Brian
The Founder
Experts in Commercial & Business Waste Management
Provide regular, reliable and convenient services


BSWaMA is governed by a Board of Directors, which oversees policy and general administration. Under the Solid Waste Management Authority Act, our key responsibilities include:

Service Area Management – Declaring and managing service areas for solid waste collection and disposal with approval from the Minister. title bold and content normal text
Waste Collection & Disposal – Organizing and ensuring efficient waste collection and disposal in designated service areas.
Contracting Services – Engaging private contractors to improve waste collection and landfill management.
Regulatory Framework Development – Establishing regulations, technical guidelines, and standards for solid waste management.
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BSWAMA's Responsibilities

BSWaMA, in collaboration with local government bodies and other stakeholders, is responsible for the safe and sustainable management of solid waste in Belize. Using an Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management approach, we continuously work to:

Our goal is to minimize the environmental impact of waste while ensuring efficient and responsible waste management throughout the country.

Protect human health and safety
Conserve natural resources
Promote the occupational health and safety of waste sector workers
Implement proper waste collection, disposal, and recycling strategies

The Evolution of Belize Solid Waste Management Authority (BSWaMA): A Commitment to Sustainability

The Belize Solid Waste Management Authority (BSWaMA) was officially founded with the enactment of the Solid Waste Management Authority Act, 1991, under Chapter 224 of the Laws of Belize, Revised Edition 2000. The Authority was created to ensure that the solid waste generated across the country is managed in a responsible and environmentally sustainable manner.

The Solid Waste Management Authority Act provided for the formation of an independent Solid Waste Management Authority, with broad powers to provide for the collection and disposal of waste in accordance with regulations issued under the Act.

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